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From the editor’s desk: Mea culpa.

During the holiday season, our Wreckhouse Weekly newspaper focuses more on seasonal content, including Letters to Santa Claus and Letters from the Mayors.

The weather is changing, and there are more storms in the forecast. The most recent back-to-back storms have combined to rip the shingles off the office roof and compromised the flooring beneath our digital press. It took us the better part of the week to source the original leak. We patched it the first time, then had to patch it a second time within a 3-day span.

It’s winter in Newfoundland, Canada and lately we have been feeling it here at the office.

Because of the supply system back log we are also having difficulties getting inks and papers delivered in from our regular suppliers. It’s not their fault. They are having supply issues too. Who isn’t these days? Materials I’ve ordered in early November are weeks overdue.

The press also needs servicing after all that mess, but we are waiting on a part to arrive before that can happen. We have no idea when that will happen.

The point is, we are going to have to adapt for a few weeks to compensate until our supplies arrive. That means this week’s newspaper is an 8-page edition.

I don’t like to do that.

We try to stick to 12, which is what we consider our regular size and gives you plenty to read about, some puzzles to stump you, community notices and contact info and special sales for local businesses.

But there is simply no choice anymore. It’s either a smaller paper or no paper at all at this point.

As soon as we get our materials in, we will obviously return to our full spread.

Meanwhile many of our other orders (business cards, calendars, Christmas cards, etc.) are also holding until we get our stock in. We don’t like inconveniencing our clients this way.

We don’t like resorting to this. Did I mention how much this sucks? Cause it really does. If nothing else, it stresses my staff the hell out.

Meanwhile our Appalachian weekly newspaper, which covers the entire Bay St. George area, has to move online for the remainder of the year. We’ll remove the paywall and there will be a dowloadable edition and you can even print your puzzles and get the previous week’s solutions.

In the future, we will try to stockpile more supplies, just in case.

Sorry about that.

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