Horoscopes by Jackiee Sweet
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Horoscopes by Jackiee Sweet

For the week of October 5th

MOON CYCLES: On Monday, Oct. 5, the moon is in Taurus. On Tuesday it is in Gemini and will remain there until Thursday, Oct. 8, where the moon will then move into Cancer until Saturday, Oct. 11. Finally on Sunday, Oc. 11 the moon will be in Leo. If you have any of these signs in your chart you will the full effect on that particular day.

Aries – That tough guy attitude isn’t fooling anyone these days. Get a grip and take a breath. Last week was hard and this one will test you just as much. Practice stargazing and the outdoors. Success is due in your work and financial aspects, but don’t take this to heart.

Taurus – Mess with the bull and you get the horns. Are you irritated? Anger is acceptable but not mature. Take this time to practice patience and wisdom, because it really does make perfect. Focus on mental stimulation – maybe kick back and read a book.

Gemini – Travel is in the future. Whether it be planning or doing – but heed caution as Mars isn’t your friend right now. Emotions are at high tide and you don’t need any more loose ends. Practice isolation and relaxation.

Cancer – This week is tough. You may need a shoulder to lean on. Don’t burn bridges you may want to cross again later. Practice and focus on others and the act of being selfless. Release and relax. The benefits are sure to outweigh the consequences.

Leo – The high rolling has caught up with you. You are feeling gloomy this week, however, for not much reason. Do not overthink matters. You are your own worst enemy. Practice meditation this week, as it will come in your favour.

Virgo – Happiness is on the rise. Good things come and good things go. This week will be very fortunate for you. Take it with a grain of salt because sometimes things are too good to be true. Not everyone who speaks to you is your friend. Focus on your home life.

Libra – Luck and financial gains are on the schedule for the week, dear Libra. Use this to your advantage. Slow down and smell the roses. You’ll be surprised what hidden treasures you can find. Focus on nature at this time.

Scorpio – The bad may outweigh the good at times, but that certainly isn’t the case this week. Your chances will soar as will your reputation. Word of mouth is both your best and worst enemy. Focus on vocal control. Not every story needs to be told.

Sagittarius – Laughter and tears are on the ride this week and that’s a good thing. Look around and see who is in your corner – focus on them. Do unto others as you’d want done to yourself. Practice teamwork and relationship building this week.

Capricorn – Slow down Cap! You are not a superhero, nor will you be. Act like yourself instead of how you think you should act. How you perceive yourself is vastly different than how others perceive you. However, you do not have a bad name, nor a bad reputation. Work on your social skills.

Aquarius – Love is right up your alley and you’re out shopping. Remember, not everyone has good intentions. Don’t be an airhead, but open your eyes and prepare for happiness. Practice self-love.

Pisces – Your week is significantly better than last since things are opening up and going your way for once. Keep up the good work and things will continue. Focus on vulnerability this week.

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