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Slipway/sewer emergency repairs and replacements ASAP

To The Mayor and Council of Channel-Port Aux Basques, we the people/residents of Mouse Island would like the following issues brought to your attention.

During the past few years/decades, the slipway has been slowly destroyed by the ocean as it was not maintained by the Town, or the Harbour Authority resulting in a complete loss of the slipway and some surrounding infrastructure, i.e. soil being washed away that covers main town sewer, cribbing collapse, and buildings destroyed etc. due to erosion and no maintenance of the aforementioned.

As a result, there are no places to launch and retrieve small boats, causing damage to boats and motors and gear in general. Note: Many boats have been a financial loss/ destroyed over the years.

Mouse Island Harbour has an historical connection to the Town, as it once was a vibrant fishing port and the residents has contributed greatly to the Town as we know it today, still through taxes etc. and would like to see mandatory repairs to the sewer and replacement of the slipway, and as this was brought to the attention of the Town via councillors in past years, to no avail to date.

Suggestions we want addressed on an emergency basis:

• New slipway constructed made of concrete

• Soil replacement, to cover sewer & cribbing repaired to hold soil in place

• The small Barrier Rocks (islands) fortified by armour stone to contain/reduce/mitigate the ‘energy from ocean wave action’ that increases with climate change.

All which is respectfully submitted on behalf of the residents of Mouse Island.

Stuart Pearce, Channel-Port aux Basques

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