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Road changes surprise some residents

The intersection of Grand Bay West and Grand Bay Road. – © Ryan King / Wreckhouse Press Inc.


PORT AUX BASQUES — It’s summer construction season and if you’re feeling frustrated by noise, dust or traffic delays, you’re not alone. Jody Spencer recently took to Facebook to voice her surprise over some of the recent changes thanks to ongoing road work.

Specifically, Spencer focused on recent changes to roads and lanes without notice, such as a yield sign being moved to the other side of the street by Grand Bay beach bridge; a lane closure at that same intersection; a lack of signage on Martin’s corner; and pylons on the road in the Channel area. The changes themselves are not the issue, but Spencer believes there is not enough notice from the town to advise drivers beforehand.

“First, I want to commend the town on all the hard work they are doing, but I’m asking for more communication,” said Spencer. “The intersection by the bridge going to Grand Bay West – there was a lane closure with no notification. They painted a ladder over the lane.”

Spencer said that the changes were “great ones,” but she “just hoped for some more notification or signage.”

She would like to see more notices posted on the town’s Facebook Page, and hopefully more signage in the Martin’s Corner area as well. Regardless of the changes or improvements, Spencer said that, “There should have been a ‘NEW’ sign notifying people of the change. Any other place I’ve lived always had it.”

Town Manager Leon MacIsaac said that many of the changes within the town were a result of feedback from residents.

Regarding the concerns about traffic pylons scattered on the road, MacIsaac stated, “The traffic pylons, including signage such as Paint Crew Ahead, Men Working, and Traffic Control persons are a result of the multiple construction projects ensuing at the same time.”

MacIsaac further explained that the intersection on Grand Bay West Road “was a minor change to the traffic paint layout to bring traffic to one common point instead of the former multi-point. Complaints were received previously of vehicles continuing through the intersection from Grand Bay West and failing to stop prior to proceeding on to LeGrow Street. It is required that all traffic stop at STOP signs but that was not adhered to previously.”

MacIsaac said that no further signage is planned for Martin’s Corner. He added that the changes made at the Grand Bay West intersection will not be getting any more signage installed it is not warranted.

“The changes made at Grand Bay West Road are minor in nature and would not require new signage,” MacIsaac stated. “The traffic lines were to control and improve traffic flow. Motorists are to abide by all posted signage.”

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